Why you Should Play Basketball

Why you Should Play Basketball

You don’t need to play like Stephen Curry to benefit from this fun sport!  Regardless of your skill level, playing basketball is a terrific activity to add to your fitness regimen.  From shooting hoops by yourself to playing in a competitive league or pick-up games at the park, basketball will help whip you into shape and maintain an impressive fitness level.  Take a look at why basketball should definitely be in your regular workout rotation:

It’s a Major Calorie Burner

It’s a Major Calorie Burner

Between all of the jumping, running and brisk lateral movements required to play basketball, you will enjoy an effective aerobic workout that burns huge numbers of calories.

Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

The longer you continue moving as you play basketball, the longer your heart rate will stay up which helps develop cardiovascular endurance.  Taking this step to keep your heart healthy will help reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease in the future.

You’ll Get Stronger

You’ll Get Stronger

Playing basketball will help you build lean muscle during an intense full-body workout.  Your legs will benefit from all of the running and shooting, while defensive moves will improve your core muscles, neck, lower back and deltoids.  Shooting and dribbling will also strengthen your arms, hand muscles and wrist flexors.  

Gain Healthier Bones

Gain Healthier Bones

Weight-bearing exercise makes bones stronger by forming new bone tissue, and basketball moves, especially jumping, help improve bone health and make them less prone to breakage.

Develop Motor Skills and Coordination

Develop Motor Skills and Coordination

Full-body coordination is needed to successfully rebound missed shots, while free-throw shooting and jump-shooting help with hand-eye coordination.  Dribbling starts out this way, and once the player has the skill down, it progresses to a motor coordination task.  

It’s a Mental Challenge

It’s a Mental Challenge

Physical benefits aren’t the only thing basketball has to offer; it can help you master the art of quickly evaluating a situation and finding an appropriate solution.  The fast pace of the game will train you to make quick and effective decisions both on and off the court.  

Lower Stress and Boost Your Immunity

Lower Stress and Boost Your Immunity

It’s a known fact that physical activity, especially through sports like basketball, can help reduce stress levels and give you more energy.  This social game is particularly helpful in combatting depression and can even help strengthen your immune system.  

Increase Confidence

Increase Confidence

Engaging in teamwork and improving your personal game can give your confidence a major boost.  As your self-esteem continues to rise, you will feel better equipped to deal with any situation that comes your way.  

Encourages Self-Discipline

Encourages Self-Discipline

If you break the rules in basketball, it might not just affect you; there could be consequences for your entire team.  Knowing that your choices matter for everyone will help you become more disciplined in your game.  

So, now you know! It’s time to go and shoot some hoops!

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