Going Bananas

Going Bananas

Perfectly designed by nature with their very own biodegradable packaging, bananas are the ultimate portable snack.  As one of the most widely consumed fruits on the planet, you can get your banana fix even when you are far away from home.  Commonly eaten in breakfast cereals and oatmeals, fruit salads, used in desserts and baked goods, or enjoyed all on their own, bananas are a sweet and satisfying treat you can feel great about eating.  Carry one in your bag so you are ready whenever hunger strikes; that way, you can skip the processed junk you typically find in a vending machine or mini-mart.  Beyond their delicious flavor and convenience factor, bananas are also incredibly nutritious and boast a variety of health benefits, too.  Find out below why bananas are way more than just a tasty snack:


Bananas are Loaded with Nutrients

Bananas are Loaded with Nutrients

Not only do they taste amazing, bananas are filled to the brim with a variety of essential vitamins and minerals that help keep all of your body’s systems functioning at their very best.   

Get a healthy dose of nutrients including copper, iron, folate, magnesium, manganese, potassium, riboflavin and Vitamins B6 and C with every banana you eat.  

Bananas are a Great Source of Potassium

This essential mineral plays an important role in keeping you healthy.  It can help regulate your heart rate, control blood pressure, keep kidneys functioning well and can even make you feel more alert.  

Bananas are High in Fiber

Bananas are High in Fiber

Packed with both soluble and insoluble fiber, eating bananas can help keep you feeling full for a longer period of time, which is a great reason to include them in your breakfast.  This same fiber can also aid in digestion and help keep you regular.  

Bananas are Excellent for your Heart

Bananas are Excellent for your Heart

Thanks to their high levels of fiber, magnesium and potassium, bananas are a great dietary source for heart health.  They can contribute to stabilized blood pressure and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease.  

Bananas are Terrific for Blood Pressure

Bananas are Terrific for Blood Pressure

Everyone knows that salt intake should be limited for people who suffer from high blood pressure.  Thankfully, bananas are extremely low in sodium, which makes them a very healthy treat.  Their high content of potassium and magnesium helps lower blood pressure.

Eating Bananas May Help you Lose Weight

 Eating Bananas May Help you Lose Weight

As a fairly low-calorie food (an average banana only has around 100 calories), bananas make a wonderful addition to the diet of anyone trying to lose some weight.  Thanks to their filling fiber, they leave you feeling satisfied which might help curb your appetite.  

When searching for the perfect health food, look no further than the tasty, portable and readily available banana!

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