Enjoy this delicious recipe for vegan chocolate ice cream that prove it is possible for something to that tastes so great can be healthy too. This recipe is suitable for a whole range of diets including vegans, vegetarians, raw foodies and paleos.
All you need are the following ingredients:
- 2 avocados (yes, avocados!!)
- 2 bananas
- ⅓ of a cup of coconut milk (or almond without added sugar)
- ⅓ of a cup of natural cocoa without sugar or sweeteners
- ¼ of a cup of sugar or an appropriate substitute
Add all the ingredients together in a food processor or blender and mix together until smooth and creamy, the add to an ice-cream cooler machine for around 10 to 15 minutes.
If you don’t have an ice-cream cooler, watch this video on youtube by Magically Delicious which shows you an easy way of making ice-cream with the equipment you are likely to have in your kitchen. If opting for this authentic version, allow yourself at least a couple of hours to complete the whole process.