Remembering the Life and Work of Wayne Dyer

Remembering the Life and Work of Wayne Dyer

If you have ever delved into the world of self-help, the name Wayne Dyer should probably sound very familiar to you. With over forty books written, and twenty-one of them New York Times bestsellers, audio and video programs, and his many appearances on television and radio shows, among other projects, Dyer dominated the self-help scene during his long, and successful career touching the lives of many and changing them for the better. Though Wayne Dyer left us last year, the impact that he made will live on.

Wayne Dyer – the Man

Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, Wayne Dyer spent much of his childhood in an orphanage after his father abandoned his mother and Dyer’s brothers. Despite the struggle in his early childhood, Wayne Dyer attended a local high school after which he joined the US Navy where he served from 1958 to 1962.

Following his service in the navy, Dyer returned to school and received his Doctor of Education degree in counseling from Wayne State University. Later, he worked as a high school counselor in Detroit and eventually as an associate professor at St. John’s University before moving to New York City. During his time as associate professor in New York, he realized that there was a desperate need for people to understand the principles of self-discovery and personal growth and so decided to take it on as his personal mission to spread these ideas to a wider audience.

Wayne Dyer – the Author and Inspiration

When he published his first book for the general public in 1976 called Your Erroneous Zones, Dyer became an international bestseller, launching his career as an author and motivational speaker. He then went on to publish several more top selling books on the practical psychology of self-improvement. Dyer often talked about how it was during this time that he noticed a shift in his way of thinking; he began to feel just how people were not their age, race, gender or occupation but rather their eternal spirit within. It was only when people began to see themselves as spiritual beings that they could begin to change the world they lived in for the better, becoming more whole and accepting people.

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” These famous words of Wayne Dyer touched many and caused a shift in their way of thinking. This saying of his was quoted by many and is just one example of his simple philosophies to live by that had a profound impact on the masses. The idea is that when we change the way we think for more positive thoughts, we start creating a different reality in which to manifest our desires on the premise that “thoughts become things.”

Despite growing up in orphanages, Dyer used his childhood turmoil to show other people how to overcome their own obstacles. He truly believed that everyone could obtain an extraordinary life if only they consciously chose to live to be their “Highest Self.” Dyer was so loved by his fans and followers that he was dubbed the “father of motivation”. While Wayne Dyer loved to travel and spread his ideas, he also enjoyed being home among the beautiful backdrop that Maui provided to take time to write his books. When he wasn’t busy writing, Dyer would regularly go swim in the ocean and observe the stunning sea life of the area or receive regular visits from his children and grandchildren.

In August 2015, the man that was Wayne Dyer took his last breath, but his teachings live on through all of the lives he touched during his adventurous, and
In memory of one of the most inspiring men of the modern age.

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