Plant Based Protein

Plant Based Protein

One of the frequent questions faced by vegetarians and vegans is how can you get enough protein in your diet if you don’t eat meat. This concern is especially prominent among those who think that you can only build muscle with animal based protein that you get from eating meat. The irony is that protein is just one of the essential elements of a healthy diet alongside carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals yet meat-eaters have to justify where they find their balance of vitamins far less than vegans and vegetarians.

This article is set to tackle some of the most common myths about plant based protein.

Myth 1: Vegans and Vegetarians can’t get enough protein from plant based protein.

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Contrary to what many people believe, most of the plant based sources of protein are very high in protein and have the added bonus of being easier to digest and helpful in keeping your body’s PH level balanced by their naturally alkaline state when consumed. You can also be sure that they don’t contain hormones and steroids that are commonly found in animal protein. Grains like quinoa, buckwheat, wild rice all contain around 20% protein while kale and spinach pack in around 45% protein while spirulina and chlorella provide around 65% protein. Balance in your diet is the key to getting enough protein rather than limiting your protein intake to meat sources.

Myth 2: The Protein in plants is not the same and therefore not as complete.

This myth is simply not true. Many plant based proteins are complete, meaning that they contain all 10 amino acids that your body cannot produce by itself. However, the trick is to combine different plant based proteins to get an even more potent source which are known as flat-line amino acids. The idea is to combine foods like rice and pulses, which together form a strong flat-line amino acids. For example, you could combine hemp protein, pea protein, rice protein, saviseed protein for a protein packed meal.

Myth 3: To build muscle you need animal protein not plant based protein

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This is another myth about plant based protein that many people believe. The reality is that many athletes have built muscle on plant based proteins, also benefiting from a favorable strength to weight ratio. One of the best ways to incorporate plant based protein into your muscle building routine is to drink a shake directly after working out, that makes sure your body has all the necessary amino acids to rebuild your muscles and give you the energy you need without piling on fat too.

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