Why Recovery is Important after Exercise

Why Recovery is Important after Exercise

Although it may seem like the opposite would be true, giving your body adequate periods of rest between intense workouts is an important part of the recovery process. You may think that working out every single day is the fastest and most effective way to achieve results, but without proper rest, you progress may actually stall and you are more likely to suffer from an injury. When you give your body a break from exercise between training sessions, your muscles will have a chance to repair themselves, your energy levels will be restored and muscle soreness will be reduced. Remarkably, when you schedule regular recovery periods as part of your fitness program, you can actually increase your strength and fitness levels in a shorter period of time!

If you want to take your fitness regimen to new heights, the following exercise recovery tips can help you become a healthier, more rested you! 

Schedule Recovery Periods

Schedule Recovery Periods

Your body becomes fatigued when you train with weights or do cardio exercises, which depletes your body’s energy stores and breaks down muscles and other tissues in the body. If you exercise those same muscles again too shortly after an intense workout, your body will not have adequate time to restore its energy levels and fend off fatigue, muscle damage and inflammation. On the other hand, when you give your body plenty of rest between workout sessions, you will no doubt feel refreshed and energized when you exercise again.

Allow for Adequate Sleep

Allow for Adequate Sleep

While you may already know that a shortage of quality sleep can contribute to a large number of health problems, you might not be aware that it can also have a negative effect on your body’s recovery process after working out. It is crucial that sleep is given its proper importance as it is the only period of the day when the body is in a complete state of recovery, making it crucial to your wellbeing. Aim to keep a regular sleep routine that involves going to bed at roughly the same time each night and waking up around the same time each morning. Sleep quality can be improved by removing distractions such as light, noise, smartphones and other electronic devices from the bedroom. To help your body achieve optimal recovery in order to reach your fitness goals, schedule at least 7 or 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

Hydrate Your Body

Hydrate Your Body

When you work out hard on a regular basis and sweat a lot as a result, drinking enough water is critical. Without proper hydration, your fitness recovery process will be delayed and your performance levels may drop. Aim to drink a minimum of 3 liters of water every day, particularly when you are training. If plain water doesn’t excite your taste buds, give it a flavor boost by adding some citrus fruit. Sweating also causes the body to lose electrolytes, and coconut water or sports drinks can help restore these levels. 

Dine on a Healthy Diet

Dine on a Healthy Diet

When you are training on a regular basis, eating a nutritious diet plays a big part in your body’s recovery. Protein is crucial since it provides the foundation for cells, hormones, enzymes and tissues in the body to function properly, and it also helps rebuild muscle tissue. Carbohydrates are also an important energy source for the muscles, and they help restore glycogen levels. The body will be able to recover at a faster rate if you consume a shake or snack after your workout. A healthy balance of carbohydrates (particularly whole grains), protein, lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, and small portions of healthy fats such as avocados and olive oil is ideal for proper recovery. Eating nutritious ingredients that fuel your body will help you achieve a greater level of wellbeing.

If health and fitness are important to you, keep in mind that the recovery periods between your workouts play a big role in your overall fitness regimen.

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